Sanatana Dharma Enslaved Dravids, the Original Inhabitants of India
Sanatana Dharma is in the news these days after a young Tamil Nadu (South Indian State) minister called for the eradication of Sanatana...
Sanatana Dharma is in the news these days after a young Tamil Nadu (South Indian State) minister called for the eradication of Sanatana...
India's Voice for Social Justice, Periyar Periyar and his close friend S. Ramanathan visited Mahatma Gandhi in Bangalore in 1927. Their...
He is a staunch advocate of democracy, and he believes in a plural world. He has a solid commitment to Islam, yet in Tunisia, the home...
An Upper-Caste Hindu teacher incites her Hindu students to strike a Muslim boy to get a multiplication table wrong. She spits her venom...
The original of the Covenant Prophet Muhammad made with the Christian Monks of Saint Catherine in Egypt. Insanity has overtaken...
During a Hindu holy festival, nationalists attacked a mosque and hoisted a Hindu flag on its minaret under the protection of Police. What...
Hindu nationalists distribute this poster to provoke their community against Muslims and Islam in India. What happened in Mewat, a...
India's oppressed communities burn Manusmriti annually to challenge racism and bigotry. With one voice, India's religious minorities,...
It was on the tenth of Muharram when Imam Hussein offered his family in defense of Islam. It was a day of monumental significance for...
If anyone thinks that by burning the Quran, they would destroy Islam and diminish divine power, they are wrong. They want to provoke...
Manipur is a northeastern Indian state that saw a decline of Hindus from 62 percent to 41 percent between 1961 and 2011. During the same...
France burnt for the mistake of a police officer who killed an Algerian-Moroccan Muslim youth for an alleged traffic violation. The...
Who Defines it? India's ruling Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, with an eye on the 2024 national elections, intends to introduce a...
Affirmative action refers to policies and practices benefitting underrepresented groups in education and employment due to racism,...
Since the late 70s, Islam and Muslims have occupied the public and intellectual discourse worldwide. While Muslims regard their faith as...
Last week, a group of upper-caste Hindus opposed to CA Senate Bill 403 met a representative of a Democratic Assemblywoman in Irvine. The...
The zealots turned into Zombies, led by Pakistan's corrupt leadership, attacking the Supreme Court when it released Imran Khan. Islam was...
Not all Muslim Indians trace their biological roots to Arabia, Central Asia, or Persia. But, like many Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs,...
The article is written by a former citizen of India, who is proud of his ancestor's decision to renounce the Brahman-led Hinduism that...
India's upper=castes in leadership positions The entire world economy is about 104 trillion dollars. Ten nations hold 50 percent of that....